Broughton Runners Session 29/3/2011

We were back to our Summer training ground last night.  We have a disused railway and a very interesting bit of parkland that we use most of the time.

Next week we will do the time trial for the first time this year, so last night’s session was a bit of familiarisation.  As the TT has three fairly significant hills, we decided to do a hill session that used them and worked its way around the TT loop.  So the kids did 2 reps of each hill, with a jog recovery, stopping at the top.  This was preceded by a 10″ run up the railway line and some high knee and 2+1 fast feet high knee drills to warm up.  The kids jogged back to the hall to finish and warm down.

It worked well as a session, some obviously fitter than others after the winter.

Next week we have invited some of the Ambleside AC seniors to join us and complete the TT with the kids.

We have a group of runners going to the first English Junior FRA Champs race at Pendle this weekend.  There are more going than have gone to such a race before, which is really great.

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