NavNight 11/1/2012

This week we started by revisiting the table top mapping.  I asked them to do a similar task to last week, but to use symbols and keys more.  Then I asked them to introduce height into their table top constructions.  The height gave me a chance to talk about the difficulty of mapping height and interpreting contour details.

The next section was using Harvey Maps.  I created a 4×4 grid of control sites overlaid on a Harvey map.  Each person or team was given this grid, a sheet of 8 blank grids and a set of 8 control description sheets.  The aim was to work out the courses from the description sheets and the Harvey map, copy these onto the blank grids and then run the course on a cones grid that had been laid out.

This was difficult, especially for the younger kids.  One difficulty I hadn’t expected was that there were three open moorland control, one of these had no other features, the others had a valley and ridge.  It washard for people to distinguish between these to start with.

This needs a better explanation when revisiting this next week.

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