West Cumberland Coaching #3

The final day of coaching for WCOC happened in atrocious conditions in Miterdale, nr Eskdale Green.  After having a walk round the area the previous Thursday in glorious sunshine, we got torrential rain for the whole time.  Despite this, the paper maps held up quite well.

The session was on control flow.  So I had 4 loops for planning ahead, which had distinct line features in the middle of each leg to allow the runners to easily plan ahead.  There was another loop with much shorter legs, to show that there are occasions when planning ahead is not possible.  We finished off with a Race, again with planning ahead as its focus, using SI Units to increase pressure.

Warm-up was putting out controls and warm down was to be collecting.  Some people didn’t race, so collected in the unused controls, then the fastest runners collected in the race controls.

We packed up slightly early because the weather was so bad.

Generally the session worked well.  The easier legs allowed people to concentrate on the planning ahead rather than worrying about finding controls.  The race also worked well by putting people under pressure.

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