
We are offering a set of tried and tested Orienteering sessions for Primary Schools.  Based on the very successful LOC NavNight beginner’s evenings we have put together two packages of 3 sessions each.   The first of these has been delivered to 250+ Year 5 and 6 children in a range of local primary schools near Ulverston and met with general approval from the pupils and staff.  The second has been tested at NavNight with children of the same age and their parents.

The main coaches are Richard Lecky-Thompson and Selwyn Wright.  Click on their names to see further details of their experiences.

We provide two coaches and work with small groups of 16 to 20 pupils (often half classes).  This gives us the opportunity, in the short time available, to identify those that might need extra help, whether this is because they are talented and need stretching or because they need more personal tuition to develop the skills.  As the main coaches are both experienced Athletics coaches from Broughton Runners, we can also work on simple running skill development whilst coaching these sessions.

The first block consists of the following three sessions:

  1. Introduction to maps using jigsaws; orientating the map and navigating through a simple maze; a relay combining the the two
  2. Introduction to orienteering symbols; simple symbol relays; symbol relays using orientating the map a through a more complicated maze
  3. Up to 8 competitive, timed races through a more complicated maze using technology (including live, projected results), emphasising orientating the map for speed

The second block consists of these three sessions:

  1. Identifying symbols on a “real” orienteering map; using the location of the symbols on the map to navigate around a set of cones; asking the pupils to work out how they would actually navigate from on control to the next; assessment of success using dibber technology
  2. Maze mapping; using a maze laid out on a simple grid, pupils are asked to map the maze onto a grid that is provided; if time, plan courses, enter these on the computer and run each others courses
  3. If available, run courses on the school map, two simple loops followed by a short score event (10 mins to go to all controls); if not available, then either run courses planned from previous session, or, compete round a larger, outdoor, complex maze

If you would like further information about our schools offering please contact us using