The following are a good set of exercises.
Body weight suspension exercises
Shoulder, trunk and pelvic stability for endurance.
- Suspended chest press (like press up but at an angle and going further)
- Suspended pull (like inverted press up but at an angle and finishing further up)
- Single arm pull (as above but with one arm, other hand by the head)
- Squat (squatting holding straps at an angle) Is this easier than a standard squat?
- Single leg squat (as above but with one leg, hold on with both hands)
- Suspended hamstring curl (a bit like a bridge using a swiss ball, perhaps easier to control)
- Suspended single leg hamstring curl (as above one leg)
- Overhead squat (hardly stressing the straps)
- Bulgarian squat (back foot in cradle, sort of lunge position but on one leg)
- High external rotation movement
- Y, T, W sequence (very slight forwards and back movements whilst in three positions)
Resistance band exercises
- Squat (band under feet and around lower neck)
- Overhead squat (band under feet then stretched wide over head)
- Overhead split squat (band stretched over head with arms wide behind head) I don’t like the knee being forward, beyond the ankle.
- Overhead walking lunge (band stretched over head with arms wide behind head) Extreme lunge forwards. I don’t like the knee position forward of ankle. Do like the exaggerated “high knee” whilst going into the lunge.
- Walking lunge with rotation (partner holds the band whilst athlete lunges then rotates away from partner, right foot step, right arm rotation)
- Romanian or stiff leg deadlift (band under feet held at sides in hands) hamstring and glutes lengthen eccentrically in first phase
- Single leg Romanian deadlift (band under foot, free leg goes to rear)
- Good morning (band as for squat, hands hold band at hip hieght) bends forwards, legs stiff and back straight
- Single leg good morning (band as above)
- Single arm horizontal push (anchor band and push forward)
- Single arm horizontal push with half lunge (band as above)
- Single arm horizontal pull (anchor band and pull at waist height)
- Single arm horizontal pull with half lunge (anchor band and pull at waist height)
- Trunk rotation exercises (square stance, anchor band to side and rotate away, like russian twist shape)
- Trunk rotation exercises with half lunge (as above)